
The wind turbine with a contour tracer

(Patents applied P/1/19979) - The Inspiration of Lateral axis wind turbine

Impulse tubine for wind power generation

Inspired by lateral axis wind turbine the author is able to design and build an amazing vertical axis wind turbine that can deliver higher power than horizontal axis wind power generator.

The wind turbine with a contour tracer is having turbine blades spinning around their own axis while orbiting around the central shaft vertically positioned on a horizontal rigid basement. A pair of hubs is mounted on bearings to the central shaft, positioned apart, at top and bottom of the said central shaft. A symmetrically positioned plurality of extended arms extended outwards around the central shaft, forming a rotor framework. Each turbine blade is integrated with an extension of shaft projected down words supported on pivots located on said extended arms of the said rotor framework.
A horizontal platform is having over the basement and it is drivable on bearings fitted to central shaft in order to adjust its orientation to face the turbine blades along desired direction.
Down side of each turbine shaft is fitted with a crank arm, providing leverage to hold a roller to paddle along the track set on a horizontal platform disposed above the basement.
In operation, working cycle of each turbine blade is having a power stroke and a return stroke. During power stroke turbine blades are turned perpendicular to the direction of streaming wind whereas during the return stroke turbine blades are turned along the direction of wind. Concurrently, the turbine shafts are rotating about the central shaft, while the turbine blades turning around the own axis.
The turbine blade direction is controlled by the contour traced by the roller during power stroke.
In operation, the said roller engage with the contour track and paddle between two guide walls of contour track, thereby turning the surface of the turbine blade perpendicular to wind direction and maintaining its direction during the first half circle of movement of the turbine blade. When the turbine blade moves to the extreme end, the contour track releases engagement of the roller thereby allows the turbine blade move freely. Then the turbine blade turns along streaming wind direction and produce minimum air resistance during its return stroke until it propel back on the other way round to the starting position. Thus another cycle continues by the roller engagement with the contour track.
The turning movement of the rotor geared to electricity power generator to produce usable electricity.
Further, a break system and controls are accompanied to stop or reduce the rotational speed of the rotor and turbine blades.
The crank arm is designed in such a manner that the rear side of the rank arm is extended backwards so that a peg positioned on the bracket of the rotatable secondary platform, be impelled on the rear extension of the crank arm in order to turn the turbine on desired direction at the end of power stroke.For best performance number of turbine blades should be two or three.
This wind turbine is low cost high efficient easy to assemble and build product. Its blades cover much larger area than a circular profile of the space of streaming wind. Power generator and control equipment are installed on ground level and reduces maintenance cost procedures. It can build to greater height.

As a summary this is a vertical axis wind turbine, absent from control tracks overhead of the wind tower, that comprises a central shaft mounted vertically on a rigid basement; with a pair of hubs secured on bearings to said central shaft; while aforesaid two hubs having a symmetrically located plurality of arms extended radially outwards, forming a rotor frame; with a plurality of turbine blades fitted on vertically held turbine shafts and pivoted on bearings between each pair said extended arms to orbit around central shaft; characterized by each aforesaid turbine shafts connect rigidly with a crank lever arm on each at the bottom end of said turbine shafts; while rollers to be secured at the end of each crank arm, so that the said each roller dwell the contour track formed on a horizontal table during power stroke, thereby the direction of each turbine blade to be controlled by the engagement of rollers in the contour track formed on the said horizontal table, while having means for gear arrangement to connect said bottom hub to an electricity generator thereby the rotary motion of the bottom hub be able to transfer power as consumable electricity, during operation, when the streaming wind impel on turbine blades, in order to undergo a change of orientation of said wind turbine blade, during each cycle of rotation around central shaft, and coming back to their original position after each revolution so that the motion of the rotor be able to take up by electricity generator.

Impulse turbines change the direction of flow of a fluid. In reaction turbines air flow pass through the moving blades. Betz law applies for the wind flow that passes through the turbine. This wind terbine is an impulse turbine. Power generating ability compared to horzontal axis wind turbine is analysed here

The lateral axis wind turbine

(Sri Lanka Patent 17981)

Harnessing wind power

Wind power generator

The lateral axis wind turbine delivers breakthrough clean energy technology

It differ from horizontal axis wind turbine and vertical axis wind turbine for having its central shaft mounted horizontally on upright supports while turbine blades spin on extended arms around the central shaft.

Why we claim lateral axis wind turbine having higher efficiency compared to vertical axis wind turbine:

  • It sweeps rectangular area of space of the wind blowing profile, covering much larger space than a circular profile.
  • Lateral axis wind turbine deliver wind force along the direction of the blowing wind, while vertical axis wind turbine receive a faction of the force of wind power.

How lateral axis wind turbine works:

The turbine blades orbit in an epicyclical path around central shaft, akin to Ferris wheel. If the horizontal axis wind turbine having its rotor radius 5 meters It's sweeps an area of 5x5x3.14159 Sq.meters.( 78.54 Sq M)

When we install a lateral axis wind turbine covering the same space the swept area is 10x10. (100 Sq.M)

Lateral axis wind turbine does not generate sounds due to aerodynamic movements of blades through air. This wind turbine stands like a tree on ground causing movement of blades only along the wind direction. So that there is no possibility of birds and bats getting stuck with turbine blades causing death.

The wind turbine comprises of a pair of oppositely placed hubs in combination of plurality of extended radial arms symmetrically projected out wards and fitted on bearings to the central shaft. The turbine blades are pivoted between each extended pair of arms and are having the freedom to swing around their own axes and around the common axis of central shaft.

The central shaft comprises of a cam profile over which lever arms of turbine blades could engage during its working cycle. In operation, the streaming wind, forces the blade along the direction of wind while the extended lever arm turn towards the cam profile fitted around the central shaft. During power stroke the cam profile prevents the blade swing any further, by giving leverage to the turbine blade to force pivot axis of the blade turn forward along with the wind direction. Lever arms terminate engagement with cam profile during idle stroke and revolve around central axis and come back to initial position during next phase of the working cycle.

During the period from bottom until the axis turn 90 degrees the turbine blade glide against the wind like airplane and provide lift on pivoted axis until the liver arms engage with the cam profile to provide leverage by the wind pressure.

Passive yaw control is archived by fixing flat plates, on the surface of rotating radial arms perpendicular to main shaft axis. Alternatively orienting the turbine blades in the wind direction is achieved by motor controlling the vertical shaft axis which is mounted rotatable on the towering structure of the wind mill.

Advantageously, the turbine blades are designed in such a manner that the airfoil creates a lift during its upward movements. Number of blades can vary from two to a higher value. The turbine design has low center of gravity and easy to assemble. This is one of the most productive wind turbines in its price range. With urban roof mounted design it is an energy saver in domestic applications. These wind turbine blades are suitable for applying as dynamic advertisement display boards also.

The illustration shown below is the behavior of ONE TURBINR BALADE during a complete cycle

Behavior of turbine blade during a complete cycle

This Wind Turbine design could potentially generate 20 Megawatts in commercial scale. It can turn by rainfall and snowfall as well.

This design doesn't involve complicated manufacture. Therefore it can fabricate with scraps and locally available materials.

Turbine control is used for efficient performance and for low maintenance costs. Further it helps safe operation, structural stability and optimum output. The yaw system can align the wind turbine in parallel with wind direction.
Different control strategies may be applied for yaw control.
A passive yaw control systems is applied using the wind force to turn the rotor towards the wind. An active yaw system also could be applied to a commercial scale large wind turbines.

According to their rotor layout, presently known wind turbines are categorized into horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWT) and vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWT).
The rotor of a HAWT is horizontal and must point to the wind. The rotating plane of HAWT blades is perpendicular to the wind direction during operation. The turbine blades are radial and their number is varies 2 to a higher value. Most efficient designs use 2 or 3 turbine blades. Yaw control device has to accompany HAWT.
The shaft of a VAWT is perpendicular to the ground and the wind direction. VAWT accepts the wind from all horizontal directions; there is no need of a yaw control devices.
Although both designs require a large area acquiring large ground space amount of energy that can utilize is small. This is because the exposed turbine blade area according to design conditions has to limit to a small fraction of the swept area.
This problem has overcome by the present invention by turning the blades in a lateral direction of the blowing wind, while leaving the blades to face full force of the wind.

Lateral axis wind turbine

Wind turbine Installation


Build your own Lateral Axis Wind Turbine

This wind turbine manufacture doesn't involve complicate designs for the blades, making it simple to the constructuctor. we can use locally availble materials and lightness of the selected material are not considered.

Main components of the wind turbine:
1. Main shaft; 2. Turbine blades; 3. Turnable mount; 4.turbine mast; 5. control bar; 6. Yaw control; 7. Yaw arm; 8.pivot arm; 9. Yaw control; 10. Gearing; 11. power generator; 12. casing for motors; 13. Power transfer gear; 15. extension tips; 16 Cam Contour profile; 17.hubs on bearings; 18. Nacelle

At present we supply and install wind turbines on roof slabs at height not less than 30 ft. (10 Meters) provided that the surrounding free from obstacles for wind for 100 ft. radius. The price is us$ 1000+ delivery charges. It is capable of generating average 15 Amp at 12 volts. This wind turbine will deliver uninterrupted power supply of 1/4 kW when it is coupled with an inverter


Materials used for the Wind turbine :

Mast : Hot dip galvanized Iron, Turbine blades : Zink Alum Sheets , Main shaft : Steel

Designed & invented by Leelananda Jayasuriya

For more information contact : Leelananda Jayasuriya   Phone : 0094 112915390

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Last edited : On 7th October 2010  by Leelananda Jayasuriya.