Introducing a more efficient and safer method for flying using magnetic
levitation ! A method to take off and land without runaway and airport!!
An aircraft capable of landing in a state of emergency!!!
Aircraft navigation system comprising reciprocating wings mounted on armature of linear motors
The wings are made horizontal and flat consisting cluster of slats, able to turn electromechanically in vertical and horizontal directions. The slats turn vertically allowing air to pass through shutters-acquired space during the upward stroke. The slats turn horizontally preventing air from passing across the space covered by slats during a downward stroke. So, the aircraft lifts in the sky against the gravitational force, pulling air downwards.
The propulsion system
is powered by electricity generators coupled with gas power generators
installed in the air craft.
Wings are capable of tilting forward, backward,
right and left by small angels to control direction and latitude
21- fuselage, 23- wings, 24-gas turbines with electricity
generators, 27- linear motors
An arrangement is made to minimize overall size of the aircraft by installing two linear motors one over the other proving pair of wings attached
to each linear motor armature such that, two armatures are working
in opposed directions. The energy of wind can transform in to pressure on
a surface. The wind pressure acting on the surface can creates a force.
Similarly, it is found, a heavy object such as aircraft can lift in
air using the dynamic energy of moving air by transforming in to force.
In calculations, wind pressure is given by the equation:, where V is the speed of wind in miles per hour (mph). The unit for
wind pressure is pounds per square foot (psf). The pressure 'P' acting
on a surface area 'A' can be given by F=P.A, where F is the force
generated by wind pressure.
Similarly moving a flat surface at high velocity, the air resistance
can create driving force of the flat surface against air. For an example,
using the aforementioned equation it is found moving a wing having
surface area of 170 Sq. ft. at a speed of 200 mph, an object weighing
around 50 Tons can be lift in sky. The weight of an average aircraft
with payload is around 50 tons.