Objectives of this web site and the LJ industries (SL) is bring to awareness of the public about products created by the author, his philosophy and special events on his journey through life.
Our philosophy :
Made simple for everybody to understand
Every thing including matter, energy, concepts, space are taken together and considered as a single unit.
We designate this unit(singularity) as him (the creator). The creator exists as an uncaused First Cause ultimately responsible for the creation of everything including the universe, energy and feelings. This way, creator created every thing within him and nothing else exists other than the creator.
All matters are spots of concentrated energy. Light is a form of energy radiation like heat, magnetism. It can travel only a certain distance from the source it emits.
There should be a type of smallest energy particle, where the boundary between particle and energy cannot be divided. Scientists have already identified some subatomic particles like electron, electron neutrino, muon, muon neutrino, tau, tau neutrino. Thus all sub atomic particles including light, heat and other type of energies are a combination of these energy particles. Also energy appears always as particles in motion, while they are at rest, considered to be in the form of matter.
Creation generated imbalance. Imbalance generated flow. Creator is existing and he controls the flow. The flow is in form of motion, radiation, gravitation, magnetism or any other form either we can capture by our senses or not. Every thing is under his control.
Deep reading:
Answers to the Mysteries of the Universe
This article is giving answers to unanswered mysteries of the universe.
The author is providing answers with the help of theories brought together
for the purpose of explanation. This generalized reasoning can be perceived
in nature how it takes place can be tested scientifically everywhere in
Stipulates considered in this article:
- Gravitation is a pull between particles towards each other. All particles attract each other, unless a charge or remote force is imposed to repulse them.
- Electro magmatism is a flux. Flux is a rate of flow through a surface or substance.
- All mater are composed of a tiniest particle “we call quanta or ultimatum”. The ultimatum in rest is appeared to be matter while ultimatums in motion are energy. All things with mass or energy including planets, stars, galaxies, light, heat and subatomic particles are a combination of ultimatum.
With this natural theory author explains
- How matter is created from energy
- How universe is formed
- How stars were born
- Why planets are spinning
- Why the galaxies are in disk shape
- How volcanoes & magma formed and why planets are hot inside.
All activities take place due to attraction and distraction between particles.Entire universe activities can be summarized in to a single principle and condition by assuming all particles are combination of ultra-small particles. When these particles are in motion we find them as various forms of energies. When energy is stored we don’t see any particles in motion. When we release particles from its potential of storage it moves and release energy.
How energy generated from atoms & molecules
From the definition, we have
Energy particles are releasing from nucleus at this frequency of orbital frequency of electron and emit them out of the atom or molecule as heat and light at the frequency of electrons orbiting around the atom.
Therefore we find energy is available with a frequency.
Under this assumption all energies including gravity, magnetic flux, heat, light and electricity are considered as particles in motion. Particles not in motion are treated to be matter.
Matter is a spot of concentrated energy
Matter is a spot of concentrated energy. Physical materials are combination of molecules. Molecules are combination of atoms. Atoms are consisting nucleus surrounded by electrons moving in an elliptical path. Due to the movements around atom it will not be attracted in to the nucleus. Every single atom forms a sphere due to elliptical path over different geometrical planes. If energy is imposed on an atom (or agitated by external force) movements of electrons will increase with the increase of accommodating space. To hold the electrons any further by the atom energy will release from atom as heat, light and any other forms. When the external force is released the atom will absorb energy again from surrounding.
No boundary between particle and energy
There should be type of smallest energy particle for which we can call it ultimatum, where the boundary between particle and energy cannot be found. All sub atomic particles are a combination of these energy particles. In nature these particles or the matter is stationary while energies are in motion.
The ultimate energy particles are the smaller derivative particles of light heat electromotive force, and gravitational force.
Similarly magnetic field is a flux behaving as particles in space and medium.
These ultimatums cannot categorize as matter or energy directly. Therefore the author of this article claims all energies particles and matters are consists of this ultimate particle called ultimatum.
This phenomena lead to further reasoning of energy radiation. In the electromagnetic spectrum all energies can be placed is a raw depending on is wave length.
[1] Refer : The Electromagnetic Spectrum- https://www.miniphysics.com/electromagnetic-spectrum_25.html
Electromagnetic Waves also called Electromagnetic Radiations are basically defined as superimposed oscillations of an Electric and a Magnetic Field in space with their direction of propagation perpendicular to both of them. In simple words, electromagnetic waves are oscillations produced due to the crossing over of an electric and a magnetic field.
We can observe how energy is released during the movement of electrons.
When an electrical spark passes between two polarities, we experience light and heat dissipated, and electromagnetic flux is generated while electrons pass between polarities having a potential difference. Number of electrons pass to the opposite polarity is lesser then the number of electrons emitted from the polarity. This loss of energy is emitted and radiated as light heat and electromagnetism.
Radiant energy is the energy created through electromagnetic waves, such as light, heat, or radio waves. Scientists use the electromagnetic spectrum to discuss the types of radiant energy. The electromagnetic spectrum lists all the types of radiant energy by the length of their waves. The shorter the wave, the more energy and heat are created.
Most radiant energy can't be seen, but there is a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum that is called visible light. This is the light we can see. Differences in the length of the waves in this part of the spectrum cause us to see different colors.
The direction of the propagation of such waves is perpendicular to the direction
of the force of either of these fields as seen in the figure shown here.
Electro magnetic force
Investigation into electromagnetic force can help us to find the behavior
of magnetism and gravitation. If we pass electricity along a straight wire,
magnetism is produced around the wire.
According to the above-stated analysis when an electron passes from one
atom to another this magnetism radiates. It means the emission of magnetism
takes place while moving the electron from the previous atom to the next
atom. This phenomenon leads to further reasoning into electromotive force,
gravity, and magnetic field behaving as particles in space and medium. Electricity
through a wire is the movement of electrons from one molecule or atom to
another. When electricity passes in one direction heat particles, light
particles, and electromotive particles are emitted perpendicular to the
electron flow.
We know sound is also a form of energy. We experience sound transmitted through the air by moving atmospheric particles. When sound is generated from the speaker the diaphragm has to move forward and backward by some physical means. The air close to the diaphragm also oscillates in the same manner and conveys these oscillations to distance. With sound there, we don't find any particles emitting while it generates sound, but the nearby particles participate in conveying energy waves to a distance.
The cause for the movement is attraction. When matter cannot attract into
the center of 1st body it repulses way from the 1st body with the stored
energy of the second body.
Energy flux
Energy flux is the continuous circulation of energy across the energy emitting source.
Thus energy spent on joining two energy particles is equal to the work done by the force attracting each other that can be given in following equation where m is the mass of energy particle and the distance between two particles is "r". Where µ is an universal gravitational constant.Therefore the energy spent on bringing a particle close to the center is
or an approximation to infinity. This is the energy required to depart two particle. It proves that when an atom is broken apart it emits a large amount of energy and it is known as nuclear explosion.
Let us now look in to how gravitational forces acting on large scale objects
Let us consider the condition of the universe all the particles were spread unevenly. Attraction between two celestial bodies can take place in two ways
- It can be a direct attract the other particle
It may be attraction with the influence of any other planet so that the planet may be revolving around the bigger planet
How does a Star born
In the beginning of universe, it was consisting tiny random particles almost
equally distributed across the universe, as a cloud of dust particles. Due
to interactive gravitational force these tiny particles are pulling towards
each other to become larger objects.
Due to attraction between two specks of dust, a larger particle could be
born. Developing the size of this object, it gradually increases to the
size of a planet. Even if the first particle in not spinning, when it attracts
another particle in to it, the combination of two particles starts spinning
due to the impulse generated during the collision. The spinning take place
when the two particles not exactly align together, but collide off centered.
When stellar objects collapse on each other while they are moving on different directions, they finally become one object with some angular momentum causing rotational movement around its own axis. This is the reason that stars & planets spinning.
When the size of this planet develops to a star attaining stronger gravitational pull, the particles falling on it directly collide with the planet at a very high velocity. Also there can be instances these particles collision trigger nuclear fusion attacking itself, producing heat, light, ultraviolet rays, x-rays, and other forms of radiation. After a nuclear fusion starts, it can continue consuming neighboring particles also. This will be the birth of a star. Any asteroid not coming directly to attack will spin around the star and orbiting round it to become a planet. Thus the stars are fueled by asteroids in the beginning and continuing as a nuclear reactor.
Any asteroid influenced by another larger object also can attract by this planet, but due to its already attained velocity it can orbit around the planet following the axis of rotation.
How the universe was formed?
How the planets were born, How stars were born
When the size of this planet develops to a star attaining stronger gravitational pull, the particles falling on it directly collide with the planet at a very high velocity. Also there can be instances these particles collision trigger nuclear fusion attacking itself, producing heat, light, ultraviolet rays, x-rays, and other forms of radiation. After a nuclear fusion starts, it can continue consuming neighboring particles also. This will be the birth of a star. Any asteroid not coming directly to attack will spin around the star and orbiting round it to become a planet. Thus the stars are fueled by asteroids in the beginning and continuing as a nuclear reactor.
This is the formation of our sun. The sun turns around itself while planets move around the axis of rotation of sun, on a plain perpendicular to the axis of rotation. If the orbit of any planet differs from this plane, it is in the early stage of its entrance to the sun's orbit. Therefore due to attraction between particles and resulting angular momentum planetary systems and the galaxies can form only in disk shape with spiral arms. Therefore the final result of a massive dust cloud is a galaxy of disk shape.
If we look at the sky during night, we can see so many stars spread in the sky disorderly manner. This is because we are staying within the stem of the spiral of a galaxy, usually know as Milky Way
The same way we can deduce, that the galactic center is a massive object spinning about its axis, that even absorb light rays and we cannot observe its behavior and size. The whole galaxy is gradually absorbing in to it.
When we generate a vortex in a particles suspended fluid medium the particles follows a spiral path. The suspended particle in a fluid shows winding up behavior around the center of rotation. Due to absorption into galactic center our solar system may be subjected to shrinking.
How atomic explosions take place
The gravitational potential at a point in the gravitational field is defined as the work done in taking a unit mass from that point to infinity against the force of gravitational attraction.
From the definition, we have
� Thus energy spent on joining two energy particles is equal to the work done by the force attracting each other that can be given in following equation where m is the mass of energy particle and the distance between two particles is "r". Where µ is an universal gravitational constant.
Therefore the energy spent on bringing a particle close to the center is or an approximation to infinity. This is the energy required to depart two particle. It proves that when an atom is broken apart it emits a large amount of energy and it is known as nuclear explosion.
How do Volcanoes, lava and magma formed?
During formation of a planet, it attracts meteoroids and asteroids into it at indefinite intervals and the planet grow in size gradually. When the size & the mass of the planet is increasing, gravitational drag towards the center grow higher and higher. The particles towards the inner core of a planet are then subjected to higher gravitational pull and inter molecular movements are confined. All the particles of a body are subjected to intermolecular translational and rotational movements consistently.
Therefore, these particles getting warm up due to the friction between each other and finally melt due to heat generated by the friction between these particles under high pressure. They collide on each other to generate heat to melt rock in the form of geothermal energy and the molten rock become magma, the fluid molten rock.
As we know small planets like moon does not have eruption of lava, because it doesn’t have sufficient gravitational thrust of inner core materials to form lava and erupt as magma.
When you pile up materials such as sand, grain or anything consisting small particles, you can experience a higher temperature towards the interior bottom of the heap of materials, when you explore in to it.
We can experience this increase of heat when we dig pits on earth or bore a hole on ground. The author was engaged in boring foundations to high rise building in several occasions. The earth and rock samples below the depth 20 meters or more are coming with high temperature smokes.
This is the same phenomena of the interior of a planet getting hot with molten lava due to heat generated by confined materials inside the core of the planet. Any other energy source is not required to generate lava inside a planet. Due to irregularities experienced over the planet surface and even inside of it, these molten liquid can come to the surface from time to time as volcanic eruption. Smaller planets do not have this ability of generating molten liquid material inside of it; for they don’t have much load to exert higher pressure to confine movements of particles
Conclusion: Assuming there is no boundary between particle and energy we can find solutions and answers to almost all mysteries in in universe.
Author: K.G.L.Jayasuriya
For more information contact : Leelananda Jayasuriya Phone : 0094 114502577