(Kosgahamula Gedara Leelananda Jayasuriya)

Phone: Mobile : 094 705027697

E-mail: leel6391@yahoo.com

Passport No. M 1048966 (previous) N 3536267(present)-Nationality: Sri Lankan

Date of birth : 1975 February 03rd

My website : https://www.ljindustries.com


National Diploma in technology (civil engineering) SL

Bachelor of Science (civil engineering) Moratuwa University (1980)

Master of Science (Technology Development), Canterbury University, (2002)

Graduateship of City & Guilds

Membership of professional Institutions

Member of Institution of Incorporated Engineers, Sri Lanka – MIIE(SL), I.Eng.

Member of Society of Cost Estimating & Analysis SCEA , USA

Member of Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO)

Member of Society of Automotive Engineers- International SAE

Construction Specification Institute CSI- USA

Member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers- ASME


Computer Literacy

High level competency AutoCAD (specialized in 3D Modeling & simulations), and 3D studio Max

MS Excel, MS Words, MS projects, 3D studio max, & other packages. Experienced in web site designs & HTML



Publication of 14 patents, Web site : http://www.ljindustries.com

including a patent under PCT (WO 2008/096272A2)

Book publication : A Scientific vission on creator & Creations

Objectives: To offer best of my abilities to uplift the human society

Present Employment :

I am managing my business "LJ Industries" for product development and providing services to construction companies for technical documentation and supervision of work to contracting companies engaged in engineering contacts Civil MEP, electrical and mechanical works since 2011 to 2021

I manage an educational institute " LJ Acadamy", to provide private tution to students sitting for G.C.E. (O.L.) Examination from 2020 to date.

Summary of Experience

Long term experience in construction industry at the capacity of Quantity Surveyor, Estimator and Civil engineer - out of which 6 years in Doha, Qatar which involve contract management, Tender procedures and technical monitoring including large scale projects.

My experience covers- Preparing Tender & Contract documents, Drafting specifications for B.O.Q. Items, Abstracting quantities from drawings and soft copies, Preparing specifications & Bills of quantities, Estimating, analyzing rates, Project management, Coordination with clients, consultants, contractors and any other parties in construction work, Taking site measurements, Preparing monthly bills, Subcontractor payments, Variations, Documentation, Planning & programming work. Setting- out works, Supervision and Quality assurance of construction work, Tender evaluation.


Work Experience in details:

2009 January to 2021 December

Employed in my own establishment LJ Industries

10 years of experience as a design engineer and business manager in my own establishment "LJ industries" for product design development and providing technical service to companies


2007 January to 2007 December

As the Lead Quantity Surveyor to Buj Dubai Lake hotel project (64 storied) for M/s. International Electro-mechanical Services Co.

2005 September to 2007 May:

Employed as a Quantity Surveyor in Consulting Engineering Group (CEG) Doha, Qatar.

Duties : Take of quantities, Estimating and preparing bills of quantities, Tender evaluations, Review of final quantity take-off and price rates Monitoring/review of technical queries and resolutions. Maintenance of consultant liaison for Site personnel and Management re: construction project requirements, Monitor actual project expenses i.e. cost within estimated budget. Ensure development of construction methodologies and strategies in conjunction with project schedule and specifications. Prepare, update and monitor project schedules and resolve issues causing delays in the implementation of works. Provision of technical assistance re: construction methods, value engineering and practicable cost cutting measures for possible substantial savings in project delivery. Project inspection, Estimating works, Project scheduling and budget preparation. Cost development formation and evaluation of unit cost analysis and breakdowns


2004 September to 2005 May:


Employed Quantity surveyor at M/s CCIC/Murray & Roberts joint venture for the development of Khalifa Sports city Doha, Qatar.

Duties : Preparation of payment certificates, Valuation, Site measurements, Claims and variations Preparation of the following: Quantity take-off for tender projects, variation/change orders, progress payments. Costing of bills of quantity Items for bid submission including qualification notes for technical proposals Work breakdown structure of bill of quantity for price study and analysis Invitation and follow up quotations of subcontractors and suppliers for incorporation and analysis of offer. Correspondences, progress reports and status of accomplished work on site. Site progress evaluation and prepare reports for schedule forecasting. Update price database. Formulate bills of quantity price study.


2003 May to 2006 December :

as a Quantity surveyor at M/s Al Rehab Contracting & Trading Co w.l.l. Doha, Qatar. Duties involved: Preparing tender bids for general contracts, valuations, and inquiries for Quotations, supervision of works, setting out works etc. I was also released to work with major consulting companies and major contractors as stated above.

2002 May to 2003 May:

as the Quantity Surveyor at M/s Al Mahd Contracting & Trading Co. w.l.l. Doha, Qatar

Duties involved : Preparing tenders ad bids for structural work, roof works,Doors windows and with major contact companies, valuations, progress reports, Programming, cash flows, Quality assurance of factory products, Factory supervision

1996 September to 2000 January : Employed as a Quantity Surveyor in SteelTec (pvt) Ltd

Duties: Prizing, submitting quotations to tenders, designing and estimating, Scheduling and detailing building works used company products, programming and Monitoring the progress of works, Preparing bills of quantities.

1995 May to 1996 August : in Lanka Trading & Contracting Co., Sri Lanka

as a Quantity Surveyor Duties involved :Prizing, submitting quotations to tenders, design and Estimating, Preparing monthly bills, taking site measurements

1993 January to 1994 August:

Employed as a Civil Engineer in Al Hajji Contacting & Trading w.l.l.. in Doha, Qatar.

Duties involved in: Supervision of construction project such as villas, shoppingComplexes, Setting out of works, valuations, preparing subcontractor quantities for payments, scheduling and detailing works. Programming.


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