

New Technologies within your reach

This website showcases potential new technologies that can be utilized by entrepreneurs and investors in their business activities.

"Unlock the power of cutting-edge technologies today and take your life to the next level. Discover the latest advancements that are now within your reach and embrace a world of endless possibilities."

Our vision is to consistently engage in research, development, and product design, and submit technical proposals to companies as well as entrepreneurs involved in industries and product development, who are looking to expand their horizons with innovative products. We also provide simple and powerful technology solutions that are tailored to meet your specific requirements. Whatever you need, we've got you covered!

For more information : Leelananda Jayasuriya; Send mail Phone : 0094 762348258

Show case of technologies introduced in this web site:

[HomePage] [ Thruster] [Aircraft propulsion by magnetic levitation] [Hydro power Generation] [Wind Power Generation][Modern IC engine][New wheel technology] [Uni directional gear] [Wave power generation][ Multi storied car park ] [Walking machine] [Water purification ] [Wheel with outer tire] [An electricity generator] [Gait-wheel Combination][Auxiliary brakes for reliability ] [Wearable Technologies ] [Humanoid]

New propulsion system using electro-magnetic thrusters

Electromagnetic thruster The electromagnetic thruster is the decisive solution in vehicle propulsion and machine operation. It generates powerful linear force without requiring a reactive entity, making it efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly, for future travel and transport.









Aircraft propulsion by magnetic levitation

Click here for details

The new technology of wheel is an assembly in combination of a rim, inflatable inner tire and a protective outer tire. The outer tire is having a tread profile and fitted snugly over the inflatable inner tire and its two shoulders on outer edges are fastened to the rim circumference by plurality of flexible linkages with tensioners at equal intervals symmetrically.

Click here for details

Impulse type wind turbine

The verticle axis impulse turbine delivers higher power than the horizontal axis wind turbine. The cost of manufacture reduces to 1/4th of the standard wind turbine. It has turbine blades spinning around their axis while orbiting around the central shaft vertically positioned on a horizontal rigid basement.












For more details Contact : Leelananda Jayasuriya leel6391@yahoo.com

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For more information contact : Leelananda Jayasuriya

Last edited : On 7th February 2024  by Leelananda Jayasuriya.