
Space and Universe

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Black holes are not only swallowing objects from the surrounded galactic disc, but astronomers have observed black holes dispose jets of particles.

All those particles that makes up the outer system came together during the solar system’s birth. Clouds of interstellar gas and dust collapsed toward a local gravitational high point - maybe a comet that got a little bigger than the rest of a nebula’s comets - and started the birth of the solar system: Most of that material immediately fell into what would be the sun, but some had a little left-over rotation that let it go into orbit and began settling into planets, moons, comets, and asteroids.

Explanation: The Russians drilled the deepest hole ever bored into the Earth. They got 7 miles into the Earth’s crust. Nowhere near the mantle, let alone the core. What stopped them? Pressure. Even hard rock will flow like a liquid when under as much pressure as it is 7 miles down. Their drill bits kept getting stuck, so they gave up and capped the borehole.


TornadoOur universe can be such an emission from a supermassive black hole of an unaccounted universe. The direction of movement of these objects is perpendicular to the galactic disk of this black hole. Originating from the black hole core, a bright stream of stellar debris is moving away from it. These emissions consist of interstellar clouds of dust such as nebulas consisting of hydrogen, helium, and other ionized gases. While the black hole spins, it consumes stars in the stellar disc around it. When it can’t withstand the pressure inside it ejects stellar gasses perpendicular (but with shallow angles) to its galactic disk.

When these objects move away from the gravitational region of the black hole, they try to unify again to form planets stars, clusters, and galaxies.

Therefore, our universe may be an emission of a super massive black hole of an unaccounted universe. Emission closer to the black hole are nebulas at the distance it forms clusters of stars and galaxies. If such a black hole does not exist at present, it might have now evaporated according to Hawkins's theory.

The development of the universe is similar to the action of a tornado that contact with the surface of the Earth.


Super massive black hole emmision

The Big Bang is explained using the astronomical observations of signals and rays received in our direction. We cannot detect radiation going into the galaxy or outwards from us because the devices developed to observe astronomical objects are based on the reception of light, heat, or electromagnetic radiation into the observer. Even the human eye is made to observe light signals coming towards the eye.

Human knowledge based on signals & data coming towards observer. But there can be signals going towards objects in space that attract both particles and rays. These can be dark matters as known by astronomers and scientists.

Our universe could have turned from infinitely small particles in to materials and then in to gravitational bodies.

All the celestial bodies are spiraling and absorbing into the center of each galaxy. Same way each planetary system is spinning around the stars. Each star attracts planets orbiting around them including our sun.

This is how we can reason the evolution of the universe from small particles into large gravitational bodies, assuming gravitation attract all particles together. When small particles are attracted by larger particles space between planetary objects appears to be expanding since they are absorbed by larger gravitational bodies.

While celestial bodies attract each other smaller bodies absorb by larger ones and lose their identity. Therefore, the space between two particles looks like the universe is expanding since the smaller particles absorb into larger ones.

The American astronomer Edwin Powell Hubble observed the phenomena of the universe expanding in 1925. This observation is done by seeing some rays moving in one direction. If the universe is expanding everything has to expand, including the meter rule in your possession. In such situations, we can't observe one item expanding relative to another.

The copilot and the pilot


Hi! Copilot, good day! Can you tell me the evidence that the universe is expanding?

Good day! Absolutely, I'd be happy to explain. The evidence for the expanding universe primarily comes from several key observations:
Redshift of Galaxies: Edwin Hubble discovered that galaxies are moving away from us, and the farther they are, the faster they seem to be moving. This is observed through the redshift of light, where the wavelength of light stretches, making it appear redder. This phenomenon is similar to the Doppler effect with sound.
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB): This is the afterglow of the Big Bang, a faint microwave radiation that fills the universe. The uniformity and slight fluctuations in the CMB provide strong evidence for an expanding universe.
Hubble's Law: This law states that the velocity at which a galaxy is receding from us is directly proportional to its distance from us. This relationship supports the idea that the universe is expanding uniformly.
Observations of Distant Supernovae: By studying Type Ia supernovae, astronomers have found that the universe's expansion is accelerating. These supernovae act as "standard candles" to measure vast distances in the universe.
These pieces of evidence collectively support the theory that the universe is expanding. If you have any more questions or need further details, feel free to ask!

My question is, if everything is expanding, the meter rule in my hand also has to expand in size, like everything around me. Can it happen? I know everything around me is getting attracted to each other according to what is learned by me.

That's a great question! The expansion of the universe primarily affects the vast, intergalactic distances rather than objects bound by local forces. Here's why:
Local Forces: Objects like your meter rule, planets, and even galaxies are held together by forces such as gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong nuclear force. These forces are much stronger than the effect of the universe's expansion on such small scales.
Cosmic Scale: The expansion of the universe is significant over vast distances between galaxies, not within galaxies or smaller structures. The space between galaxies is expanding, but the galaxies themselves remain bound by their own gravity.

Hubble's Law: This law applies to the large-scale structure of the universe. On smaller scales, like within our solar system or even our galaxy, the expansion is negligible compared to the gravitational forces at play.
So, while the universe is expanding, the meter rule in your hand remains the same size because the local forces binding it are far stronger than the effect of cosmic expansion. It's a fascinating interplay between the vastness of the cosmos and the forces that govern our everyday world!

So do you think stars in the universe are moving apart from each other?
Yes, on a large scale, stars in the universe are moving apart from each other. This is due to the expansion of the universe. However, it's important to note a few key points:
Galaxies and Clusters: While the universe is expanding, stars within galaxies and galaxies within clusters are bound together by gravity. This means that within a galaxy, stars are not necessarily moving apart from each other. Instead, they orbit around the center of the galaxy.
Intergalactic Space: The expansion of the universe is most noticeable in the vast spaces between galaxies. Over these immense distances, galaxies are moving away from each other, and this movement is what we observe as the universe expands.
Local Movements: On smaller scales, such as within our Milky Way galaxy, stars can move closer or farther apart due to their individual motions and gravitational interactions. These local movements are not directly related to the overall expansion of the universe.

So, while the universe as a whole is expanding, the gravitational forces within galaxies and clusters keep stars relatively close to each other. It's a fascinating balance between cosmic expansion and local gravitational interactions!


In means, that the attraction is also valid. So, I declare our galaxy is contracting into its core, and our galaxy is contracting. Do you agree?

I see where you're coming from, but it's a bit more nuanced. While it's true that gravitational attraction pulls stars and other matter toward the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way isn't actually contracting as a whole. Here's why:
Gravitational Equilibrium: The stars in our galaxy are in a delicate balance between the gravitational pull towards the center and their orbital motion around the galaxy. This balance keeps the galaxy stable and prevents it from collapsing into its core.

Dark Matter: Our galaxy contains a significant amount of dark matter, which exerts additional gravitational forces. This dark matter helps to stabilize the galaxy and maintain its structure.
Galactic Dynamics: The Milky Way is a dynamic system with stars, gas, and dust moving in complex patterns. While there is some movement towards the center, there is also movement away from it, creating a balanced system.
So, while there is gravitational attraction towards the center, the overall structure of the Milky Way remains stable and isn't contracting as a whole. It's a fascinating interplay of forces that keeps our galaxy in equilibrium!
Don't you see the galaxy is in spiral shape? It means it's moving inward to its core. Am I right?
The spiral shape of our galaxy, the Milky Way, is indeed fascinating! However, the spiral arms don't indicate that the galaxy is contracting inward. Instead, they are a result of the galaxy's rotation and the density waves that move through it. Here's a bit more detail:
Spiral Arms: The spiral arms are regions of higher density where stars, gas, and dust are more concentrated. These arms are not static; they move and change over time due to the galaxy's rotation.
Density Waves: The spiral pattern is created by density waves that move through the galaxy, compressing gas and dust and triggering star formation. These waves are like traffic jams on a highway, where the density of cars increases in certain areas.
Orbital Motion: Stars in the galaxy orbit around the galactic center. While there is some movement towards the center due to gravity, the overall structure of the galaxy remains stable. The stars in the spiral arms are not necessarily moving inward; they are following their orbital paths around the center.
So, the spiral shape is more about the dynamic processes within the galaxy rather than an indication of contraction. The Milky Way is a complex and beautiful system, constantly evolving but not collapsing into its core.
The natural tendency of spiral shapes shown in nature is that they are contracting to the inner core. It is evident in the nature. Do you agree?
I understand why you might think that, as many natural spiral shapes, like whirlpools or tornadoes, do seem to contract inward. However, the spiral arms of galaxies are a bit different. They are not actually moving inward towards the core. Instead, they are regions of higher density within the galaxy, created by density waves that move through the galaxy.
These density waves compress gas and dust, triggering star formation and creating the bright, spiral patterns we see. The stars in these arms are orbiting the galactic center, not spiraling inward. So, while the spiral shape might suggest inward movement, it's actually a result of the galaxy's rotation and the density waves within it.
In essence, the spiral arms are more like traffic jams on a highway, where the density of cars increases in certain areas, but the cars themselves are not necessarily moving towards a single point. The overall structure of the galaxy remains stable and balanced.

Anyway I will stand on my opinion. Thank you for your assistance and guidance.

I respect your perspective! It's always great to have a healthy exchange of ideas.

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